

电力电子行业盛事,跨地域头脑风暴,PCIM Asia蓄势待发

变压器产业网 2017-12-29

  PCIM Asia是以电力电子技术及应用解决方案为主导的展览会暨研讨会,是知名的德国纽伦堡PCIM Europe的姐妹展,从2002年开始每年聚集了来自全世界在智能电力发展领域的学术专家进行学术及产品技术应用研讨,是汽车制造、国家电网、轨道交通、电动车、智能运动、太阳能光伏、电子测量、医疗器械、电子驱动及电机工程技术应用解决方案的专业商贸平台。本届展会将于2017年6月27至29日在上海世博展览馆举行。

  PCIM Asia 新能源汽车专区

  新能源汽车作为时下热点,发展前景广阔。刚结束的PCIM Europe为其特设的E-mobility专区打手欢迎。而在6月27-29日于上海世博展览馆举行的 PCIM Asia 新能源汽车专区将会展示电力电子在新能源汽车方面的新发展和应用,如电动电池、混充电基建、付款系统等时下关注课题。




  ① A Novel Modularized Equalization Circuit Based on DC-DC Chopper for Series Connected Lithium-lon Battery packs

  ② A 500Arms 48V power stage of BSG inverter with TO-Leadless MOSFET for Mild HEV

  ③ 700kVA/L power density IGBT module for xEV power train

  ④ A Double-Sided Cooling Package Design with Pinfin.

  ⑤ Enhanced Power Electronics System for High-Performance Testing of Motor Control Units in a Power HIL Environment

  跨地域风暴,PCIM Asia蓄势待发

  PCIM Asia 2017 国际研讨会日程安排


  特别环节 宽禁带功率电子

  主持人:吴志红, 同济大学

  ① High Efficiency Control Method for Non-Isolated Three-Port DC/DC Converter

  ② Impact of SiC on Power Supplies and Drives to Save Energy and Materials

  ③ GaN Gate Injection Transistor for Reliable Power Supply Solution

  ④ Recent progress in SiC power devices for power electronics applications

  主旨演讲:Hybrid Renewable Energy Standalone Systems



  ① DIPIPMTM for Automotive Application

  ② Upgrading of output power by newly developed 7th generation IGBT and package technologies

  ③ IGBT5 Based Power Module for high efficient PFC and inverter applications

  ④ Performance Evaluation of Split NPC 3L Modules for 1500VDC Central Solar Inverter up to 1.5MW

  ⑤ 94 mm Reverse-Conducting IGCT for High Power and Low Losses Applications



  ① A Novel Modularized Equalization Circuit Based on DC-DC Chopper for Series Connected Lithium-lon Battery packs

  ② A 500Arms 48V power stage of BSG inverter with TO-Leadless MOSFET for Mild HEV

  ③ 700kVA/L power density IGBT module for xEV power train

  ④ A Double-Sided Cooling Package Design with Pinfin.

  ⑤ Enhanced Power Electronics System for High-Performance Testing of Motor Control Units in a Power HIL Environment



  主持人:Gourab Majumdar, 三菱电机

  ① New Concept Package with 1st Generation Trench Gate SiC MOSFETs

  ② A Novel High Thermal Performance Insulated Package Takes Power Integration to the Next Level

  ③ How to apply the better performance of SiC modules

  ④ Comparison of 6.78 MHz Amplifier Topologies for High Power, Highly Resonant Wireless

  Power Transfer

  ⑤ Characterization and Switching Pattern of SiSiC Hybrid Switch

  主旨演讲:The Characteristics of Advanced Power Electronics Devices for High Performance Power Converters




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